Aah, you're thinking, she's finally managed to do something really silly and lose all her dignity and she's dying to tell us. Well, I'm not sure on this one. I sincerely believe that what I've done is actually very sensible indeed but it seems to have such an aura of silliness. I don't think I ever had any dignity to lose but if I did, I irretrievably lost every scrap of dignity still clinging precariously to me on Thursday evening when I turned up for my first ever practise...
at Morris Dancing.
Most people think of ribbons and bells and maypoles when they think of Morris Dancing. This may be the form known as Cotswold Morris, although I'm not sure about the bells. The sort I'm into is Border Morris, which is really boisterous and involves enthusiastic use of sticks and where the dancers tend to dance in black costumes decorated with tatters (rags) and/or feathers and black their faces.
My first experience of Border Morris was seeing the Flag Crackers dance on the Flag Market at Preston a few years ago. They wear clogs (if you check the link and look at the photos, you will be able to see this) and I was mesmerised. Last year, I saw another Border Morris team at Ludlow and again I was mesmerised. This was entertainment indeed and I stood and photographed them for some time. Here's one of the pictures I took. Sorry about the ice-cream van and park bench.
Which came last Monday, telling me where they practise and suggesting I go along on Thursday. I went along and it would be under-stating the case to say I was extremely nervous and almost at the point of driving away when I saw somebody walking towards the school where the practises are held. I got out of my car and shouting "Excuse me, excuse me" like the insignificant little ant in an advert for a Trades Union from a few years ago, ran after her. I caught her up and she confirmed that she was a member of the morris team and introduced herself to me. I reciprocated and we got talking. A good start.
The rest of the team were fantastic and they made me feel at home straightaway. They taught me the step first - a bit like what a boxer does when he skips. I practised during the warm up and then they taught me my first dance, Tinners, which is relatively simple. I was knackered after it but it felt soooo good! They practised various others, including one called The Black Widow and I learned 2 others, including a procession and I was really pleased because I seemed to be picking it up quite easily. Finally, we danced Tinners again and I joined in with enthusiasm. It was great!
We went to the pub afterwards and I was supposed to eat a pickled egg as a rather bizarre initiation ceremony. I jibbed and told them I'm allergic to eggs (I'm so ashamed of myself now!) but we sat there and talked and told jokes (including my favourite, what did the fish say when it swam into a wall? Dam!) and I drank diet coke until it seemed like a good idea to go home.
They're doing an extra practise for novices next week and I'm definitely going, this time with a bottle of water - it's hot work is Border Morris. Then they will be dancing out because the Morris season is now well and truly underway. I hope I'll be able to dance outside pubs with them soon until I'm up to speed and have my costume sorted and then hopefully, I'll be able to dance at festivals etc.
Yes, my costume. I need to get:
- Item: 1 pair of black trousers
- Item: 1 black jacket to be trimmed with mainly black tatters with a few blue and green. The tatters have to form wing like extensions to the sleeves and a tail like extension to the back of the jacket.
- Item: 1 top hat to be decorated with black feathers
Finally, I managed to find some footage of Stone the Crows dancing at the Chippenham Folk Festival on YouTube and I really want to share it with my readers. They actually practised this dance last Thursday and watching it brought back great memories. I can assure you, Border Morris is good for the soul.