Thursday 7 June 2007

More Dancing

Since I got back from Amsterdam, I've danced out twice more. On Tuesday, 22 May, we danced out at Runshaw College in Leyland for a Lancashire Evening at the Catering Department. Now purists would say, "Wait a minute! Border Morris originated in the English/Welsh Borders! That's not a Lancashire Tradition!" and I would say, "I'm afraid I have to agree." I will concede that Murray did point this out but I can safely state that we are a Lancashire Border Morris team, so I think it's allowed.

We started with a Tinners Rabbit and I went third, which is easiest for me. I'm not sure of the exact order of the dances but I know I danced a White Ladies - not particularly well this time but I am a beginner, aren't I? I think there was also a Ragged Crow and one or two others and then we repaired to the Foxholes Restaurant for a beer and a chip butty (well, two chip butties in my case).

Then off to the Eagle and Child in Leyland for a couple more small bitters and some chit chat. There I learnt of a ladies' Rapper team based in Horwich. Of course I was interested! I'm still in the honeymoon stage with Morris Dancing and I want to try all the variants.

I went home surprisingly early for a Thursday night. I'm still using the Team Coat because mine is still a work in progress and I borrowed blacking for my face that day. I have now bought my own face paints and sponge and baby wipes and I have been working steadily, if slowly on my coat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh... join the Rapper team!!